Rottenwood Reality - Construction of Mind


What is 'Rotten Wood Reality'?

In context, 'Rotten Wood Reality' as a theory highlights emphasis on negativity or pessimism. Not only that, but the theory of 'Rotten Wood Reality' also places emphasis on realism as opposed to optimism. In short term, 'Rotten Wood Reality' is a status mood or 'way of living' in which one does no feel encouraged to acknowledge the joys of life, rather place moral importance in level-headed-ness and pessimistic realism. RWR, as short for 'Rotten Wood Reality', is a relatively lonely state of mind and is a common state of mind in withdrawn, or emotionally depressed peoples, though not exclusive. Upon review of this, one may believe RWR to be a 'heartless' psychological disorder. This is not true - RWR is simply a complex that is an increased version of the scepticism that is common in everyday life. It is only unhealthy if a person who believes in this process of thought, is of danger to themselves and may consider committing suicide. If such is evident, psychological assistance should be sought in order to diagnose ACTUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS. Rotten Wood Reality is NOT AN ACKNOWLEDGED DISORDER and cannot be claimed for any disabilities or disorders in personal or legal cases.

What is Rottenwood

Rottenwood Reality on, is an extension site for fanfictions, original fiction or other literature written by Becky Trendall (aka Draci-34 or Draci-Be). The majority of the works posted on this site are unbeta'ed, and if specified, based on video-game or story-book characters (hence 'fan fiction'. An exception to this are any stories that are specified to be OS or 'Original Stories". Updates on story chapter progress, new stories in progress or additional information for a story, will be stored on this site. Stories and chapter files will also be stored here for a reader's leisure. However, it should be known offhand that all written works are copyright to the owner of this site, Becky Trendall. If there are characters in a story that do no belong to her, it will be specified in the text. Otherwise, legally the written text on the site is copyrighted to the owner and should not be copied, changed or used without owner permission.